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Autore Topic: Tips for new players (english)  (Letto 18479 volte)

Offline aleman

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  • Nickname su BGA: aleman
Tips for new players (english)
« il: 28 Febbraio 2022, 12:35:52 »
HOW TO TRAIN CARS: acceleration, handling, braking and downforce are the 4 most important. Then Fuel economy and Tire economy.

HOW TO TRAIN DRIVERS: First of all buy 20 talented drivers (talent is not trainable). Then train, in order: Phisycal, Driving ability and finally Mental.


HOW TO USE THE TIRES: when the temperature is very high, prefer the S or M. At normal temperature, the SS give the best results in terms of speed, but wear out faster, while the S give good results and wear out more slowly.

WHEN TO CHANGE THE TIRES: when the tires wear out, the speed of the car drops, so it is better not to go below the following limits: SS: 30%, S and M max 40%


RAIN TIRES: when the rain is below 3 mm it is better to use the I, above 3 mm the W. In the race, if it stops raining, it is convenient to switch to I if the rain drops below 3 mm. If we are already with the I (because the rain was below 3 mm), the best thing is to wait for the track to dry (or almost dry) before changing tires. Of course, if the race is about to end, it is better to do a few laps without changing tires rather than wasting time in the pit stop. But this is up to the skill of the individual manager.


Technology: always develop this building to the maximum, because it allows you to have a better DRS, so you can overtake the other cars in the DRS area.

Design: it allows you to have more points to improve the car. It is important, but remember that points can also be copied from other cars, having a good CD and TD.

Manufacturing: develop this building based on your spare parts consumption. The higher the level of the car, the more spare parts are needed.

Offices and Academy: Here you can find excellent drivers and / or staff, but they are very expensive. It is worthwhile to develop these buildings when you are at the highest level and have a lot of tokens, so as to get good drivers and staff that will cost you little in salary.

Simulators: I'm not sure this building is really good for anything. To train drivers well, I think it is better to have a good Doctor as the main thing.